You can join the Association by downloading the form here or by collecting one from the Cabin during opening hours. The completed form can then be handed to any committee member or at the Cabin along with the relevant membership fee.

Annual Fees for 2023/24 (as ratified at the AGM)

Full single membership £10.00
Full joint membership (2 persons / 1 plot) £12.00
Full membership Arnfield Raised Beds. £9.00 per bed
Full membership Arnfield Plots 12 & 13 £14.00 per bed
Associate single membership £4.00
Associate joint membership £5.00

Ways to pay your fees: 
  • Preferred method – debit card payment at the Cabin when it is open
  • BACS – Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-95-42, account number 00165602, quoting “TAGA Membership Fees”
  • Cash or Cheque at the cabin when it is open

Your Association fee includes a contribution to the cost of our annual insurance premium.

As well as the Association's cover for buildings and equipment, as an individual member you are covered for liabilities for loss, damage or injury to you or a third party. This covers immediate family members "being his / her spouse (including common law or civil partnerships), parents, children and friends, but such cover is provided only when they are engaged in gardening activities at the allotment of the member".

If you require information regarding the policy, please contact Marianne Stevenson or by mobile 07878 777056.

Full membership also includes:
  • Full voting rights at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • National Allotment Association (NSALG) Member retail offers which can be accessed at the Arnfield Cabin
  • The cost of legal advice which TAGA accesses from time to time
  • Access to the Regional Support Network
  • The quarterly NSALG magazine, which is available to look through at the Arnfield Cabin
  • Discounted seeds from Kings Seeds
  • The costs of maintaining all the facilities of the Arnfield Cabin site
The website for the National Allotment Association is 
We are also affiliated to the National Vegetable Society
All members (including Associate Members) are entitled to a 10% discount on purchases from Markovitz Ltd (excluding power tools), on production of a valid Membership Card.
Plants, fruit, vegetables, eggs etc are available to purchase at very competitive prices, and there will be occasional free gifts for regular customers at the Cabin.

The Allotment Association holds some (or all) of the following data about each of its members:

Plot number
Postal address
Landline number and / or mobile number
Email address

This data is physically and electronically securely stored by the Membership Secretary (acting as GDPR Data Controller) and available only to serving Committee members. The Association itself uses this information to contact you, to inform you of its activities over the year, including administarion of fees and general meetings. The Association does not have dealings with third parties, where basic personal information (name, address, preferred form of contact) is required to be passed to them (such as insurers, seed suppliers, Local Government or other allotment organisations). Your data will not be passed on to tany other third party without your prior persmision. Personal data for Committee members and Trustees does need to be shared with some third parties – eg Tintwistle Parish Council (as Landlords), National Allotment Society and our insurers. Most data will be deleted as and when you leave the Association. However, subject to your consent, we would like to retain: your first name, plot number and the first part of your postcode, in order that we can monitor how well we operate as a community resource.

How can you ask for data to be removed, limited or corrected?

Each member is entitled to see their own entry. You could maintain your Association membership with your correct name, but with limited contact details. However, we do need to have at least one method of contacting you. You could, for example, simply maintain an up to date email address. You may choose not to receive information emails from us (we do not send any out on behalf of other organisations), but you would need to check for written information (eg AGM dates) on the site noticeboards. Any of these options can be implemented by contacting the Membership Secretary.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are:

(a) Your consent. You are able to remove your consent at any time.
(b) We have a contractual obligation.
(c) We have a legal obligation.
(d) We have a vital interest.
(e) We need it to perform a public task.
(f) We have a legitimate interest


We cannot rent plots to members with whom we have no way to communicate



1. Name and Objective
1.1 The name of the Association shall be “Tintwistle Allotment Gardeners’’ Association” hereinafter called “the Association”.
1.2 The objective of the Association shall be to promote and protect the interests of the Association’s members on the allotment sites in the Tintwistle Parish Council area and to take joint action for the benefit of members.
2. Membership
2.1 The Association shall consist of tenants whose applications for membership are approved by the Management Committee hereinafter called “the Committee”. Non tenants have a right to apply to become Associate Members of the Association and shall be entitled to attend all general meetings of the Association but have no voting rights.
2.2 Every tenant identified by the Tintwistle Parish Council has a right to apply to become a Full Member of the Association and shall be entitled to attend all general meetings of the Association and have voting rights.
2.3 Full Members of the Association are automatically members of The National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners’ Limited and are entitled to the benefits of such membership.
3. Annual Fees

3.1 Full Members and Associate Members shall pay an annual fee to the Association, as agreed by the Committee and ratified by the Annual General Meeting.
3.2 The annual fee shall become due on 1 April in each year and, when paid, the name of the member shall be inserted in the list of members.
3.3 Any Full or Associate Member, who is three months in arrears with payment of the annual fee, shall cease to be a member of the Association.
4. Management Committee

4.1 The Officers of the Association shall be a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall be members of the Committee.
4.2 The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by the Committee which shall consist of the Officers and up to ten additional elected members with roles to be determined by the Committee. Committee members must be full members of the Association and agree to actively contribute to the objectives of the Association.
4.3 The Officers and Committee shall retire at the Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election. Casual vacancies shall be filled by the Committee and shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. Should an Officer of the Association resign between Annual General Meetings, the Committee may call a Special General Meeting for the purpose of electing a replacement.
4.4 Nominations for the Committee shall be made on the prescribed form available from the Secretary and submitted to the Secretary not less than twenty-one days prior to the Annual General Meeting or the Special Meeting where that applies (See Clause 4.3).
4.5 The quorum for a Committee Meeting shall consist of not less than five members.
4.6 Any Committee member who fails to attend three consecutive Committee meetings without good reason shall cease to hold office.
The Committee may delegate any of its powers to sub-committees.
4.8 Any full member of the Association may attend a Committee meeting as an observer, but with no voting rights. They may input at the meeting through the Chair.

5. Meetings
5.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March each year. The meeting is open to Full and Associate Members but only Full Members have voting rights. The order of business shall be to:
(a) read and confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
(b) receive the Secretary’s report of the activities of the Association during the previous year.
(c) receive and consider the accounts of the Association for the previous year.
(d) elect the Officers.
(e) elect members of the Committee
(f) decide on any proposals submitted by Members of the Association
(g) discuss Any Other Business.
5.2 Any Member wishing to make a proposal at the Annual General Meeting shall submit this to the Secretary not less than twenty-one days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Details of the proposal will be forwarded to all Members of the Association when the Notice of the Annual General Meeting is circulated.
5.3 The Secretary shall send to every Member of the Association, by e-mail or post (whatever the member specifies upon renewal of membership), written notice of the details of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting together with the Agenda to include any proposals submitted by Members at least fourteen days before the meeting. Four weeks before the meeting nomination forms will be available in the Arnfield Cabin or can be distributed by the Secretary on request. The Agenda will also include any nominations received for the Committee.
5.4 A quorum for an Annual General Meeting shall be ten members in addition to the Committee.
5.5 A Special General Meeting may be called by the Chairperson or Secretary or upon a written request being submitted to the Secretary, signed by at least eight members. A Special General Meeting must take place within twenty-one days of the Meeting being called.
5.6 The Secretary shall send to every Member of the Association, by e-mail or post at least fourteen days before the meeting, written notice of the date of the Special General Meeting together with the Agenda to include details of the business to be transacted at the meeting.
5.7 A quorum for a Special General Meeting shall be eight Members in addition to the Committee.
5.8 All voting will take place based on “one member, one vote” and there will be no proxy or postal voting.
5.9 In the case of all General Meetings a chairperson will be elected by the Committee in advance of the meeting and ratified by Members attending the Meeting. In most cases this will be the Chairperson of the Committee.
5.10 Within fourteen days of each Annual General Meeting dates will be set for Committee meetings for the year to the next Annual General Meeting. A list of these dates will be displayed on the noticeboard at the Association’s Headquarters.
5.11 At least seven days prior to every meeting of the Association, an Agenda for that meeting will be displayed on the noticeboard at the Association’s Headquarters.
5.12 Within fourteen days of every meeting of the Association, Minutes of that meeting will be displayed on the noticeboard at the Association’s Headquarters.
6. Finance

6.1 There shall be appointed one external examiner of the accounts who is not a member of the Committee, who shall audit the accounts and shall submit their report to the Annual General Meeting.
6.2 The Treasurer shall open and operate a bank account in the name of the Association and all monies received from any source shall be paid into this account within 14 days of its receipt.
6.3 Cheques drawn on the Association’s account shall always require two signatures from the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
6.4 The Committee will draw up an annual business plan which sets out spending priorities for the year. The plan and quarterly updates will be displayed on the notice board at the Association’s headquarters.
6.5 The Treasurer’s Report presented at the AGM shall be publicly available on the Association notice board.
7. Alteration to the Constitution

7.1 The Constitution of the Association may be amended at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting. Any proposal to amend the Constitution must be received by the Secretary at least 21 days before the date of the meeting. The rules may be amended by resolution of a three quarters majority of those attending a General Meeting called for that purpose.
8. Dissolution

8.1 In the event of dissolution of the Association, all remaining assets shall be donated to the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners’ Limited.
As at 9 April 2019 Annual General Meeting.