A Website for the allotments of Tintwistle

Tintwistle Allotment Gardeners’ Association (TAGA) was established in March 2006 under the leadership of Alan Bright, Alwyn Myers and David Marshall (who later became the Association’s first Committee Chairman and its first Honorary Member). TAGA is an independent association and is not part of Tintwistle Parish Council.
The objective is “to promote and protect the interests of the Association’s members on the allotment sites in the Tintwistle Parish Council area and to take joint action for the benefit of members”.
The Association welcomes as members any tenant from any of the three sites: Conduit Street, Manchester Road (beside the Cricket Ground) and Arnfield. Anyone else who is interested in the activities of our Association can become an Associate Member. (link to Membership/joining page)
Tintwistle Parish Council allocated a portion of the Arnfield Allotments Site to the Association for the purpose of “community beds” – ones which were much smaller, that would suit new gardeners or those with access needs eg children or people with disabilities.
On behalf of the Association a member, Anne Steele, made a successful funding application to the Big Lottery and the current storage container was installed on the Arnfield site, to provide storage facilities for the Association. Later, a group of members built the small “conservatory” onto the container, which members use as a meeting place.
Committee members realised that they needed to have a reliable source of income if the site was to be maintained and developed. The idea of having a polytunnel, in which to house and grow plants, was born and – after a year or so of fund raising – a 20 x 10 polytunnel was constructed. Later, the Association purchased another storage shed to store a greater range of gardening supplies and hen feed.
The Association’s membership has grown considerably and includes allotment holders from the Conduit Street and Manchester Road sites, as well as a growing number of Associate Members.
Our “Cabin”, which is situated on the Arnfield site, opens weekly for sales and is a place for people to meet and exchange gardening tips, and have a brew at the same time.
Covid has impacted on our annual programme of social events (for members, their families and friends). We were proud to have re-established the Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Show with the support of the Parish Council and others from the village. We plan to hold the show again on 10 September 2022 and then each year thereafter, usually on the second Saturday of each September, so for 2024 it will be on Saturday 14 September. 
We would be delighted to hear from you, or anyone who is interested in our activities and developments. If you wish to join us, please hop over to the Membership page or the Contact Us page if you wish to send us a message. We have also introduced a Recipe page so pop your favourite recipe in an email (with a photo please) and send it in. 
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